Monday, November 24, 2008


Internet fastly growing in todays world. We typically think who acces a medium as audience memebers but the inetrnet has a users not a members. At any time or even in the same timea perso may be both reading internet content and creating content. E-mails and chatrooms are the examples of online users, being both users and creators, but others may also exist as well. For examples multiple users domain enable entire alternative realities to be simultaneously cinstructed and engaed and computers screen that have mutiple open windows enabled users to read on site while creating another, sometimes using just read materials with ease we can access the Web, link from site to site and page to page. " Radsio and television made us all first hand observers. Xerox made us all publishers. The Internet made us us all journalist , broadcaster, columnist, commentators and critics (Lawrence K. Grossman).
The Internet is different from these mere traditional media. Rather than changing the relationship between audiences and industries. On the net a single individual can communicate with a large as an audience as can the giant, multinational corporation that produce a network television program.
Feedback in mass communication is traditionally as inferential and delayed but online feedback can be immediate and direct. this Internet induced the redefinition of the elements of mass communication processis refocussing attention on issues such as freedom of expression, privacy, responsiblity and democracy.
Internet in the world of business plays a vital role and contribute development and growth to all business transaction. Businessmen can now sell and accept payment of thier products through online which is more convenient and faster. Making faster inventories is very possible to Internet. Orders of materials to suppliers, meetings and conferences can be done now in Internet.Internet makes the business faster and more innovative.

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