Saturday, November 15, 2008

Contengency Fund Controversy of PNP

After the ZTE scandal and the abdrupt increase of rice price due to artificial shortage, the Philippines is now facing the Contengency Fund Controversy of PNP which was not in legal procedureupon the release of the money. PNP Contoller Elesio dela Paz is now facing many cases because of holding and using the fund during thier summit without legal procedure and proper declaration upon the cnversion of money. The issue was discover by the foreign country when Mr. dela PAz enter to Russia without declaring the amount he is holding more than the amout allowed by the said government.And it was discover that there is no approval of the release of the said fund by the Philippine President. Although the amount involved in this issue is not quite big compare to other controversy , but the reputation of the Philippines and PNP deminish. The issue here is not just the amount of money but also the trust of people to the governmet officials and PNP.

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